Samuel Gilbert Public School

Creating Safe, Resilient, Empathetic and Respectful Learners

Telephone02 8855 9500


ICT for Learning

At Samuel Gilbert Public School, we aim for our students to become effective and responsible users of technology to learn, create and communicate. ICT is used in every classroom throughout the school and integrated into every curriculum area. Our students use new digital technologies to enhance, support and present their learning.

All classrooms have Interactive boards and 1-to-1 devices for all students. Students in K-2 are allocated an iPad while Years 3-6 are provided with a laptop. These devices offer students the flexibility to learn at their own pace and to continue learning outside the classroom.

In addition, our school has a large collection of robots to support our students' coding and computational thinking skills. Our robots include Bee-Bots, Blue-Bots, Dash and Dots, Spheros and many more.